Friday 31 October 2014

Treading Water

I haven't had much time to pop into blogland recently, I'm definitely missing it! I will try and reward myself with some blog reading time over the weekend and catch up with what everyone is doing, I keep seeing halloweeny things as I scan through bloglovin :)

Thank you for all the lovely comments on my last post, I had a wonderful day with my wonderful Mum. Sadly her wonderful Mum isn't so well at the moment so we cheered each other up and enjoyed some rare quality time together. My Nana is one of the most incredible women I know, she is 94 and still lives on her own in her house she lived in with Grandpa - she is so determined to keep her independence, and bless her she has. She fell and broke her arm two weeks ago which has sadly resulted in a hospital stay - they really need to operate but can't because of the anaesthetic so are keeping it in a cast and hoping it tries to mend itself. She tells everyone she sees that she wants to go home. She insisted on getting dressed and out of bed, and walking herself to mealtime in the dining room the first week but has not been so well the last days - I hope if I make it to 94 I have her grit and determination!

My amazing friend drove up to see me (she lives quite far away) and cheer me up and brought me these beautiful flowers, every time I see them they make me smile

Thank heavens for friends. I've just arranged a trip to Chatsworth Christmas Fair with another good friend to cheer us both up. My supervisor has given me some not so great news regarding my PhD work, so at the moment it all just feels a bit pants. All I really want to do is put my PJs on, grab a stash of Disney movies and eat popcorn. Sadly that a) won't help my thesis predicament b) won't help relations with my hubbie as he has just subscribed to Sky Sports for a week... could lead to some tensions and c) would lead to a never ending misery of popcorn curnels stuck in my teeth, not a good look.

Thank the heavens also for crochet, I've started planning my Christmas presents, and here is the first project, a granny square hot water bottle - I missed the CAL at Fox's Lane so thought I would have a go now :)

So apologies for a slightly whiney post, I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone else's activities and getting going a bit with some Christmassy stuff - it is the most wonderful time of the year after all, and it is getting ever closer :D


  1. Sounds like you are having a bit of a though week! My fingers are crossed it will get better soon!

    I hope your grandmum gets to leave the hospital soon! When one gets older, life can get more complicated! My grandparents are 101 and 95 (still living at home) and everything gets harder for them these days...

    I am sorry about your phd! As you might know, I am coaching academic writing at uni and I am currently working with two phd students who are at the same stage of their phd as you are. Though time! Esp. when the supervisors have all kind of idea/wishes and such towards the end of the thesis... Fingers are crossed it will get better!

    Take care

    1. Thanks Anne for your kind wishes, it is exactly the academic writing that I am struggling with, I have done all the research and am just struggling with presenting it which is proving immensely difficult for me! Wow your grandparents are doing exceedingly well, I hope I am that driven if I ever make it to that stage :)

  2. oh Courage ! I'm a phd and I know that during the studies it's really hard sometimes specielly when the feedback from the supervisor is not good ... I know it ! I had these bad moments !! You're not alone, we're here ..... I hope you'll get better very soon and you'll see you soon too ! take care !

    1. Thanks Geraldine for the motivating words :) It is indeed very hard at the moment, it's good to know that other people have been in the same boat :)

  3. Hi Helen,
    It does all come at once doesn't it, not a pleasant time for you.
    Hoping you have a better week and your Nana starts to recover soon.

    1. Thanks Helen, this week has been much better, a nana recovering and a PhD chapter heavily edited :)

  4. I hope your Grandmother takes a much needed turn for the better. Sad to see them so independent one minute and ot doing well the next. It is impressive that she is 94, wow.
    Good luck sorting things all out.
    Sending you a hug,

    1. Thanks Meredith she is much more like herself this week after some strong antibiotics. She really is a wonder! :)

  5. Hi Helen! I found your blog while thumbling through blogland and I loved it, so I'm now your reader! : ) I know I'm new here, but I really wish your grandmother all the best!
    Good luck for your PhD too, I remember all the moments of frustration I went through while writing my Bachelor's degree thesis 3 years ago... I didn't have crochet back then yet, but I bet it helps! ; )
    Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Hi Melatia thanks for stopping by I'm glad you enjoyed the blog :) Thanks for your kind words as well, it is indeed a frustrating time but you're right, crochet is very relaxing which helps! Nana is doing better as well, thank you :) have a good week!

  6. Sorry that your gran isn't well, I do hope things improve soon for her. And I'm sorry that your work situation is great at the moment, hopefully everything will work out for you. Lovely crochet squares, keep going, I'm convinced that yarny things are good for us!

    1. Thanks CJ everything seems to be getting better this week, Nana is improving which is the main thing :) Yarny things are definitely the answer at times of struggle I feel :)

  7. I hope your grand mother feels better soon. Must be a worrying time for you. Your granny squares are lovely x

    1. Thank you she is improving thank goodness :) I've nearly done the squares so am psyching up to the next bit :S

  8. I hope that your grandmother is very much better and home again soon. xx

    1. Thanks Amy! She is improving which is so good to see, a step in the right direction :) xx

  9. I hope your Nana is much better soon. It's so hard at that age when they still want their independence to have something happen which takes it away. Hopefully, her arm will improve so that she can get back home again, I think everyone feels better in their own house.

    1. Thanks Jo, you're definitely right, also because of her memory problems being at home is the best place for her. She is improving, so fingers crossed that will be possible again for her :)

  10. cannot wait to see your hot water bottle! It is a wonderful time of year .I JUST LOVE It

    1. Thanks Kathy :) It is indeed wonderful I am very very excited about it now!!

  11. This is really a wonderful post.


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