Sunday, 24 February 2019

Checking In: February 2019

Where did February go?!

Making: A Cosy Stripe Attic 24 blanket, progress above. It's exceedingly soothing crochet, much needed at the moment!

Cooking: Lots of recipes from this book - it is the best recipe book we've ever owned!

Sipping: Pomegrante and Elderflower cordial - it's rather addictive

Reading: Currently 'Sally Red Shoes' by Ruth Hogan 

Looking: Really forward to Easter - a week in the Peaks with family

Listening: To lots of Tchaikovsky - my calming music when stressed at work

Enjoying: The Spring-like weather. Today we went for a walk in the Peaks and it was glorious, beautiful morning mist rising to blue skies and sun

Waiting: For a bit of breathing space

Loving: Spanish! After a trip to Seville I've decided to learn Spanish - I've always wanted to learn another language and have been trying to decide which one for a while

Buying: Reflexology sessions - can't recommend it enough

Watching: Baptiste

Hoping: Warmer weather = Spring

Wearing: Layers, never knowing what it will actually be like outside

Noticing: Some white hairs on my head and feeling slightly older

Feeling: Content

Friday, 1 February 2019

January Resolutions

I am so happy to see February! January has been a very long month, it always seems so much longer than other months with 31 days. Work has been insanely busy, so time has flown, but it is nice to be finally in frosty February.

Nothing of note happened in January - apart from the for the first time in my life I haven't been away one single night. At home for the whole month and it's actually been really restorative. We've had some decorating done in the house, the first since we moved in 3 years ago and it really feels even more like home now. Lots of walks with our silly Sproodle, and I even went back to the University of Nottingham on a work trip. A walk down memory lane and I got really nostalgic!

As I wrote in this post I'm taking New Year's Resoultions more seriously this year. Each month I'm giving up and taking up something, and I've got some goals around fitness as well.

For January I gave up alcohol and I took up meditation every day. That sounds incredibly cliche written down! I have missed alcohol after some particularly long days at work I have to confess, but it was definitely doable. Meditation was an incredible addition to my life - I used the headspace app on my phone and it made a huge difference to my stress levels. Most nights I only did 3 minutes, but I found myself using some of the 'routine' at different points throughout the day. I think I will carry on with the sessions - they are really helping me to be more present.

For February..... after thinking long and hard about this I have decided that I am going to listen to a German podcast every day. I want to get my German language back and thought it might be a way to try and do that. I am going to give up crisps - they are my real weakness junk food wise!

Hope you are all keeping warm!

Happy weekend, Helen xx

Sunday, 27 January 2019

What I Read: January

I'm really enjoying reading at the moment, it helps me unwind and forget about everything else. I have the bad habit of skim reading - I get through books very quickly but don't always remember them! I thought if I tried to document them here I might have a better chance.

'The Ruin', Dervla McTiernan

When Aisling Conroy's boyfriend Jack is found drowned in a river the immediate assumption is suicide. However, his long lost sister, who he hasn't seen since they were rescued from their derelict childhood home after their alcoholic mother died, surfaces and refutes the police verdict. Detective Cormac Reilly, recently transferred to Galway from Dublin investigates the case, revisiting his own past when he rescued two children from deprivation twenty years ago....

I liked the book, it was a super easy read, but it was a bit formulaic - it wasn't exactly a page turner and if I'd been a bit sharper I'd probably have figured out the ending. Not sure if I'll read other books in this series.

The Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson was a bit of a random pick, I think I found it on my Book Bubs daily digest one day and thought 'I know nothing about North Korea let's give that a go'. I've just learned it won the Pulitzer Prize in 2013 - really not surprised! It follows the life of Pak Jun Do who is cast into life in North Korea as an orphan, despite the fact that his father is alive. As Master of the orphanage Jun Do's father raises him with orphaned boys and he identifies with them, a motif which shapes much of the story. The first part of the book follows Jun Do's life, from harsh military training to kidnapping Japanese nationals and then learning English to become an intelligence officer at sea. In the second part of the book through a series of events he is seen pretending to be one of the top officials in the coutnry, interrogated by the North Korean secret police about the disappearance of his 'wife' Sun Moon. It's a really beautiful tale in my opinion, but I found it hard to determine fact from fiction and I think I need to do some reading into North Korea to learn some more.

So there was a definite theme to this month's reading. My other book this month was also about North Korea. Star of the North by D. B. John follows Jenna Williams, an American academic specialising in North Korea, as she tries to uncover what happened to her twin sister who disappeared from a South Korean island without a trace when she was 18. We follow her discovery that her sister, Soo min, was kidnapped by the North Koreans using a submarine, and her journey to the country itself as she joins the CIA to learn of Soo min's fate. Intertwined with Jenna's search is the story of an elderly North Korean lady who uses the contents of an illegal balloon to barter her way into being a market trader, and a high-ranking military official who learns he may have traitorous genes. I really enjoyed the novel, it wasn't written as beautifully as the Orphan Master's Son but it was a page turner. And again it made me want to learn more about North Korea...

I don't know what I'll be reading next month to be honest - I have a lot of random books downloaded through Bookbub so will gradually make my way through those I think.

Happy reading!

Sunday, 20 January 2019

January Days

Yesterday we met up with some of C's friends in Rutland, we went for a lovely walk around the water and I remembered how beautiful Normanton Church is. There was a wedding on and guests were arriving. The bridesmaids were looking pretty cold!

I've signed up to a half marathon in March which means I need to get training pretty sharpish! Today I ran for an hour and twenty minues which is the longest I've run for - it was cold and I didn't want to go at all even a little bit, but when I got back I felt great (apart from the fact I couldn't feel my legs).

We have had some decorating done and to my amazement C has agreed to a new blanket! Wool was quickly ordered and onwards and upwards with my version of Lucy from Attic 24's Cosy Stripe Blanket. It's so nice to have a new project on the go, gives me a distraction from those long ongoing WIPs! 

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Checking In: January 2019

I haven't done a checking in post for a long long time, what better to do on a grey mid-month Saturday? We've had some decorating done and the inevitable 'sorting out and putting things back' has commenced. We've lived here for 3 years now and not done anything at the house really - we're finally making it our own at last.

Making: an effort to finish some projects. I've got some cross stitch kits like the one above I want to finish, and 3 crochet blankets that need some attention.

Cooking: Vegan Gluten Free food! I am now a very awkward person to feed, which has been a complete life changer. The dietary change is for health reasons and it has made a real difference to me so I will carry on for now.

Drinking: Lots of Red Bush Tea - my favourite hot drink at the moment.

Listening to: German Podcasts - my language has gotten so rusty I'm determined to try and get back to a halfway decent level so I'm not embarrassed everytime I go back.

Reading: 'The Orphan Master's Son' by Adam Johnson, a book about North Korea, about which I know nothing. It's a great read, rather depressing but fascinating.

Wanting: Another holiday - a super busy week at work and it already feels like Christmas was months ago.

Looking: Foward to the decorating being finished and the house more orderly.

Deciding: On colours for a new crochet blanket - C has finally relented and agreed to me making one for our lounge. We are choosing the colours together!

Enjoying: Having some free weekends - a bit of a rareity for us but much needed. 

Waiting: For Spring. I do try not to wish my life away but the first months of the year always seem so long.

Wondering: If work will quieten a bit next week.

Loving: My Sproodle Jess - she makes me smile everyday! 

Buying: A weekly shop at the same time as writing this. I'm trying to meal plan a bit more - our food bills got ridiculous last year!

Watching: Luther - I'm catching up as I gave up when it got scary at the end of season 1. It's still scary at the end of season 2.

Cringing: I reversed my car into someone else's car on Tuesday. Noone was hurt but the insurance people will make sure it wasn't a cheap mistake and I am SO cross with myself!

Questioning: What is going on in the world. What will happen with Brexit? Our country is so divided it is scary and I don't see how we will ever find our next steps. (Personally I'm very much hoping that we won't leave the EU but I don't see how that can happen).

Smelling: Paint fumes.

Worrying: I'm a bit of a worry-pot so all sorts of various things, big and small!

Admiring: All of the temperature crochet blankets on Instagram and blogs at the moment.

Sorting: Out the house.

Feeling: OK.

Monday, 7 January 2019


It's been a lovely start to the year - peaceful. The highlight so far has been a trip to London with my Dad. We wandered around key landmarks and went to see Mary Poppins, a pretty perfect day. More Dad-Daughter time is definitely on the 2019 agenda.

This year I'm determined to make some resolutions and stick to them. I figure if I write them down then I'm fully accountable right?

My first resolution is around fitness - every week I want to swim at least once, run at least 10km and do at least 1 session of yoga/pilates. The motivation is health - I find when I exercise both my physical and mental health are far better. I wrote last time my word for 2019 is acceptance - I've decided I have another one: nourish.

My second resolution is to choose 1 thing to do every day each month and 1 thing to give up for the month. For January I have chosen to do one session of mindfulness every day on the Headspace app on my phone and I've chosen to give up alcohol. I'll report back each month. It's quite fun really, thinking and planning about things to do every day for a month. I'm thinking about yoga, playing the piano, reading and crocheting for other options!

Have you got any New Years' resolutions?

Pictured: Buckingham Palace, my wonderful Sproodle (Springer Spaniel cross Poodle - ridiculous name for a ridiculous dog) Jess, my parents' beautiful Cocker Spaniel Puppy Bobbie

Thursday, 3 January 2019

New Beginnings

A New Year, another attempt at blogging. And a new name! I've been thinking about changing from Woollybluebells for a long time and I've decided to give it a go. I'm whathelendid on instagram so I thought I would try it here as well.

2018 was a real rollercoaster, some real ups and some real downs. I suppose that is life really but they did seem rather extreme last year. Highlights included finally getting a dog - Jess the Sproodle - and an amazing whirlwind road trip around Colorado. 2019 has been welcomed with open arms. My word for this year is 'Acceptance', which I'm working on.

I hope you and yours had a lovely Christmas time and are gearing and ready to go for 2019!

And to try and get myself on Bloglovin: <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>