Friday, 1 February 2019

January Resolutions

I am so happy to see February! January has been a very long month, it always seems so much longer than other months with 31 days. Work has been insanely busy, so time has flown, but it is nice to be finally in frosty February.

Nothing of note happened in January - apart from the for the first time in my life I haven't been away one single night. At home for the whole month and it's actually been really restorative. We've had some decorating done in the house, the first since we moved in 3 years ago and it really feels even more like home now. Lots of walks with our silly Sproodle, and I even went back to the University of Nottingham on a work trip. A walk down memory lane and I got really nostalgic!

As I wrote in this post I'm taking New Year's Resoultions more seriously this year. Each month I'm giving up and taking up something, and I've got some goals around fitness as well.

For January I gave up alcohol and I took up meditation every day. That sounds incredibly cliche written down! I have missed alcohol after some particularly long days at work I have to confess, but it was definitely doable. Meditation was an incredible addition to my life - I used the headspace app on my phone and it made a huge difference to my stress levels. Most nights I only did 3 minutes, but I found myself using some of the 'routine' at different points throughout the day. I think I will carry on with the sessions - they are really helping me to be more present.

For February..... after thinking long and hard about this I have decided that I am going to listen to a German podcast every day. I want to get my German language back and thought it might be a way to try and do that. I am going to give up crisps - they are my real weakness junk food wise!

Hope you are all keeping warm!

Happy weekend, Helen xx


  1. Hi Helen, I hear that app is wonderful. I meditate everyday in the morning before I get out of bed. I am trying to be more mindful during the day but as usual I am running around like a mad woman at work and I forget to just take a moment to breathe. Good luck on your goals for the year.

  2. Let me know what German podcasts you found, I miss hearing German since we no longer go to the German speaking children's club. My first language is Swiss German, which is quite different but it doesn't matter really. Good luck with giving up crisps. I have not had any since December.... nor alcohol but I am a very occasional drinker and it is not really "giving up". Plenty of other bad habits I should give up though :-) Have a good February. x


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