Friday, 16 January 2015

Checking In: January

Making : My #hexieaday and granny square gilet, I blogged about them here

Cooking : My newly discovered go to recipe is 'Cheat's Macaroni' (that's what I've named it anyway!): Pasta, Creme Fraiche, Stilton and Broccoli.

Drinking : Lots of tea.... caffeine dependent at the moment

Reading: 'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Bronte. I am so glad I am not a Victorian.

Wanting: To be more motivated 

Playing: Darts, C got his way and has installed his darts board in the study

Wishing: That the thesis was over... I know it's all in my hands but I seem to lack the motivation/inspiration completely!

Enjoying: Slightly longer days

Waiting: For Spring

Liking: The hexagonalong (not sure if that's strictly the term, but it is what I will call it :))

Considering: Going back to Pembrokeshire in April, I need some seaside time

Watching: The Tudors. I am a bit of a self-confessed history geek, but the inaccuracies are really annoying me, they're unnecessary! It's good for entertainment though.

Marvelling: Michelle's blanket, the colours and concept are awe-inspiring!

Smelling: Banana Bread. I made some more:)

Knowing: What 'Slipped Disc' is in German, it came up the other day and I was so proud of my random knowledge!

Sorting: The mandatory pile of paper that seems to inhabit my desk

Buying: Nothing - I'm still being good!

Getting: Back into the swing of things

Disliking: The news from France last week, there is too much hatred in the world

Opening: Lots of links to crochet projects I don't have time to do

Feeling: Really tired, sleep is evading me at the moment

Snacking: On Snackajacks, they are oh so addictive

Wishing: My poor Nana would start to get better, she's been in and out of hospital since October now

Hearing: Classic FM, I've started working with it in the background, it's marginally less distracting than other music as I don't try to sing a long quite as often!

Wishing you all a happy rest of the month,

Until Next Time,



  1. I have never actually read Jane Erye...but I have watched a couple of the movie versions. So dark and mostly depressing. But I love the ending so I continue to watch them. OH MY GOSH!! Michelle's blanket is awesome. Going this afternoon to buy some yarn! It is super cool. Have a great day!

    1. hehe glad you like the blanket! i'm really enjoying the book despite the depressing aspect which is good :) Hope you got some nice yarn!!

  2. Hi Helen, I love your list! I too never read Jane Erye. Thanks for being so sweet and for stopping by today. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Julie, I'd recommend it ;) have a great week!

  3. Great list Helen! I'm waiting to spring too! Have a fabulous week end!

    1. Thanks for popping in, hopefully not long now!! have a great week :)

  4. Is there anything that smells more wonderful than banana bread? I always put chocolate chips in mine ...if you haven't tried it give it a go, you won't look back! X

    1. it really does smell great :) now that sounds like an amazing tip - thanks! next time I have some overripe bananas that is my plan! X

  5. Banana bread?? That sounds yummy! : ) My best wishes to your Nana, I really hope she gets better soon...
    Have a lovely weekend! xx

    1. Thanks Valentina much appreciated :) have a great week xx

  6. Jane Eyre is my favourite book! I even did a project on the Brontes when I was at college.

    1. I'm really enjoying it! It's a very good read :)

  7. I'd forgotten about classic fm, very relaxing and easier to switch off to. Hope your Nan starts to get, and stay , better soon

    1. Thanks Jill :) I've now become so accustomed to classic fm i seem to be in a constantly drowsy state :S x

  8. I wished I liked banana bread, it's ideal for using up manky bananas isn't it. Mine tend to languish in the freezer for whizzing up in a porridge drink. On the whole January sounds nice and perky for you. xx

    1. Oooh now that's a great idea - we've got some in the freezer I don't know what to do with! xx

  9. I hope the best for you too ! Thanks for your thoughts for France .... Hugs !

  10. I love the name hexagonalong! I hope that your Nan improves as the spring comes along! We are in a similar boat and it isn't nice is it. xx

    1. Thanks Amy - thinking of you, it's a really tricky boat to be in, ironically not one you want rocking though :s xx

  11. Hello from Italy,I like your blog and your wishes for new year!!I hope your nana come ho me soon!!I m also reading a book about life of Bronte sister!!!

    1. hi Gabri! Thanks for dropping by, your blog is beautiful, I love your makes :) hope you're enjoying your book :)

  12. hello helen,
    i like jane austen from time to time. your little hexagon looks wonderful.I love banana bread, it smells wonderful and taste so good!
    my best wishes for your nan!!
    have a nice weekend my friend,
    love regina

    1. hey Regina, thanks v much :) hope all's well and you're having a lovely week xx

  13. My husband would be over the moon if we put his dart board up somewhere in the house. I'm less keen. I love the look of your mini-hexie a day project, that's going to be gorgeous. xx

    1. Hehe it was a hard won battle for him! My plan is that hopefully next house we'll have a garage we can put it in or something :S xx


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