Saturday, 12 January 2019

Checking In: January 2019

I haven't done a checking in post for a long long time, what better to do on a grey mid-month Saturday? We've had some decorating done and the inevitable 'sorting out and putting things back' has commenced. We've lived here for 3 years now and not done anything at the house really - we're finally making it our own at last.

Making: an effort to finish some projects. I've got some cross stitch kits like the one above I want to finish, and 3 crochet blankets that need some attention.

Cooking: Vegan Gluten Free food! I am now a very awkward person to feed, which has been a complete life changer. The dietary change is for health reasons and it has made a real difference to me so I will carry on for now.

Drinking: Lots of Red Bush Tea - my favourite hot drink at the moment.

Listening to: German Podcasts - my language has gotten so rusty I'm determined to try and get back to a halfway decent level so I'm not embarrassed everytime I go back.

Reading: 'The Orphan Master's Son' by Adam Johnson, a book about North Korea, about which I know nothing. It's a great read, rather depressing but fascinating.

Wanting: Another holiday - a super busy week at work and it already feels like Christmas was months ago.

Looking: Foward to the decorating being finished and the house more orderly.

Deciding: On colours for a new crochet blanket - C has finally relented and agreed to me making one for our lounge. We are choosing the colours together!

Enjoying: Having some free weekends - a bit of a rareity for us but much needed. 

Waiting: For Spring. I do try not to wish my life away but the first months of the year always seem so long.

Wondering: If work will quieten a bit next week.

Loving: My Sproodle Jess - she makes me smile everyday! 

Buying: A weekly shop at the same time as writing this. I'm trying to meal plan a bit more - our food bills got ridiculous last year!

Watching: Luther - I'm catching up as I gave up when it got scary at the end of season 1. It's still scary at the end of season 2.

Cringing: I reversed my car into someone else's car on Tuesday. Noone was hurt but the insurance people will make sure it wasn't a cheap mistake and I am SO cross with myself!

Questioning: What is going on in the world. What will happen with Brexit? Our country is so divided it is scary and I don't see how we will ever find our next steps. (Personally I'm very much hoping that we won't leave the EU but I don't see how that can happen).

Smelling: Paint fumes.

Worrying: I'm a bit of a worry-pot so all sorts of various things, big and small!

Admiring: All of the temperature crochet blankets on Instagram and blogs at the moment.

Sorting: Out the house.

Feeling: OK.


  1. Hello there Helen, thank you for visiting my blog. I love your ing post. I was hit by a car last week so I know that is a lot to sort out. Your dog is adorable. We have a sprocker. Jo xxx

    1. Sorry to hear you were on the other end of it - no fun at all. I bet a Sprocker is full of beans :) xxx

  2. I'm waiting for spring too, I'm not a fan of these winter months, they always seem so long and dreary. There's quite a few signs of spring around though now so they're making me happy. I've never watched Luther but I've heard so many people say how good it is that I might have to give it a go.

    1. It's definitely worth a watch! Hope you keep spotting Spring :)


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