Monday, 7 January 2019


It's been a lovely start to the year - peaceful. The highlight so far has been a trip to London with my Dad. We wandered around key landmarks and went to see Mary Poppins, a pretty perfect day. More Dad-Daughter time is definitely on the 2019 agenda.

This year I'm determined to make some resolutions and stick to them. I figure if I write them down then I'm fully accountable right?

My first resolution is around fitness - every week I want to swim at least once, run at least 10km and do at least 1 session of yoga/pilates. The motivation is health - I find when I exercise both my physical and mental health are far better. I wrote last time my word for 2019 is acceptance - I've decided I have another one: nourish.

My second resolution is to choose 1 thing to do every day each month and 1 thing to give up for the month. For January I have chosen to do one session of mindfulness every day on the Headspace app on my phone and I've chosen to give up alcohol. I'll report back each month. It's quite fun really, thinking and planning about things to do every day for a month. I'm thinking about yoga, playing the piano, reading and crocheting for other options!

Have you got any New Years' resolutions?

Pictured: Buckingham Palace, my wonderful Sproodle (Springer Spaniel cross Poodle - ridiculous name for a ridiculous dog) Jess, my parents' beautiful Cocker Spaniel Puppy Bobbie


  1. How lovely to spend some father daughter time together. I don't make resolutions, I sometimes set myself challenges but I haven't this year. I do like your idea of setting yourself monthly challenges though, changing things around each month means you're less likely to get bored and give up. Gorgeous photos of the pups.

  2. Father and daughter times sounds just perfect. I'd give a leg for a hour with my dad (he died in 2002).
    Good luck with your resolutions :-) I never make any as I am terrible for following through. If I'd have to pick one though it would be something like "be more spontaneous".
    I don't seem to be getting updates for your blog anymore, must find out why! x

  3. Hi Hellen! First wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog with such a sweet comment! Thank you!
    We had a slow start to the year - being given days off work - so enjoyed our family time together. Your trip sounds fantastic. I wish I could go on one with my dad (he passed back in 1993). Great words for the year you've chosen!


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