Wednesday, 3 December 2014

The Woes of an Over Ambitious Crafter...

I had so many Christmas plans, schemes and ideas, yet now it's December and only one has been realised (Dad's scarf!) I've accepted that now is the time to just focus on the realistic, and start planning even earlier next year ;) And of course hopefully next year will be a bit quieter anyway ...

I ordered my first batch of Stylecraft wool from Wool warehouse, I loved the little bag it came in and overall am pleased with the yarn - I ordered the Special Aran as it was for a scarf  (and I'm lazy) and I love the soft feel of it, but it's a bit thinner than other aran wool I've used and there are a couple of splits in one ball. Oh well I shall just have to try some more to make sure it was just a one off! The balls in the picture are for my brother's xmas scarf, hopefully to be finished this weekend.

I went to Ashbourne with my Mum to visit my grandmother whose house is on top of a hill overlooking the town and the start of the peak district. The above picture is a not particularly great shot on my phone of her wonderful view. I've known that view my whole life and it always feels very comforting to be there looking out. Nana is now out of hospital which is wonderful, but has had to go in a care home for the time being as after 6 weeks in hospital she's not very mobile. She's not particularly happy about it (I don't blame her) but as it's only around the corner from her actual home she can see herself getting out one day. And she is very determined. 

The last picture is a WIP with the MOST ends I've ever had to deal with. I wanted to play with the seed stitch and whilst I like the effect I am not liking the ends.... 

Tonight I am making mincemeat and our tree will go up on Friday, earlier than usual because our annual gathering with a certain group of friends is this weekend due to the fact they're off to Mexico for xmas leaving next week - we are going to see them off with some British Christmas charm ;)

I hope you're all well and enjoying the first week of December, has anyone else been over ambitious?!

Until Next Time,



  1. Yes I have! Definitely too ambitious, I wanted to make decorations and everything nice, but I didn't - and still I'm really late for my Xmas presents... well, I guess I'll make it through, but maybe next year I'll start crafting them in September! ; )
    Wish your grandma all the best, I really hope she'll be able to get back to her home someday soon! xx

    1. Thanks Valentina :) good luck with the Christmas pressies, there is definitely still time! xx

  2. Possibly. I have nearly finished making a bobble hat that was requested by my daughter. I have so much wool left that I am planning to make a long scarf as well. I should manage it if nothing else happens in the next couple of weeks.

    1. good luck with the scarf! sounds like it is all under control :)

  3. I confess to being over ambitious too... So many ideas and projects and very little time. Right now I am home sich with a nasty paranasal sinusitis which annoys me to no end because I can't crochet properly (bending the head increases the headache). Ouch. So many ideas won't be finished...

    Fortunatly I already started my granny's blanket in October already and it has been finished since. I need to make lots of fruits and veggies for my cousin's daughter though. Fingers crossed I will finish them!

    All the best to your Granny!

    Take care

    1. oh no I hope you feel better soon that sounds nasty. good luck with the fruits, and look after yourself!!

  4. Hi Helen, Lovely wool choices for your latest make, the colours are fabulous.
    When I had a bash at the seed stitch I didn't fasten off, just kept the 4 balls intact and ran them up the sides, it takes a rhythm swapping over the balls to each side of you as you sit but worth it (I think they do this in knitting too).
    Don't take my word on whether this is the correct procedure though, have a play and see if you can work with the results.
    Have fun and hope this helped.

    1. Hi Helen thanks so much for the tip! It sounds like it will save a lot of time :) Will definitely try it out :)

  5. Aw I'm over ambitious quite often. Wishing Grandma all the best x

    1. thanks very much she is perking up now just struggling with the mobility x

  6. I'm glad that your Nana is out of hospital, I hope that her time in the nursing home will be very short and that she will be home again before she knows it. I am sure that whoever you get your gifts made for will love them and the ones that aren't finished for giving will be well received when they are good and ready I am sure! xx

  7. Hope your Nana continues to improve. I love that view and can see how comforting it is. I have many fabulous craft and creative ideas all of which I could achieve if only there were 48hrs in a day and 10days a week!

    1. thank you very much :) Hehe that much time in a week would solve a lot of my problems!!

  8. I decided not to hand make as gifts this year as I am never very good at keeping to a schedule. I am going to have a gift box for 2015, making the gifts in-between other projects throughout the whole year and pop them in the box. It sounds perfect doesn't it? I wonder if that will work for me?

    Best wishes to your Nanna, I'm sure she will steadily recover so that she can go back home.

    I do hope you Aran yarn is okay for your brothers scarf. I have ordered new yarn from Wool Warehouse too, it should be here in a few days I would think. I want to do a long term knitting project and I have decided to knit a blanket.

    Enjoy your weekend with your friends and take care xxx

    1. ooh looking forward to reading about the blanket :) A gift box sounds a most excellent idea, I may have to steal it ;) xxx

  9. I'm always over ambitious. I start earlier than I used to, yet I'm still running out of time. The trouble is that I'm a slow knitter and crocheter. Sending my best wishes to your nana, I hope she's out of the care home and back home again very soon.

    1. thanks Jo :) i am also rather slow, I read others' progress with wonder!

  10. I've not been over-ambitious this year, but I definitely was a couple of years ago setting myself challenges that had my fingers working as fast as they could! I've learned my lesson now and Christmassy makes need to be started MUCH earlier in the year :-) Really glad your Nana is out of hospital. It's a shame about the care home but hopefully a short spell will be enough to get her back on her feet so to speak, they aren't the nicest places but they do serve an important purpose xx

    1. Thanks Lil, you are very right about the care home, and it is much more social for her than the hospital. Glad you've got Xmas covered, I will learn my lesson one day I am sure!! :) xx

  11. Hi Helen!
    Good luck with the scarf! :) Sewing up ends like this is no fun, try and do a few as you go along. I know from my own bitter experience when I made a baby blanket with alternating colours, it really put me off.
    Right now I am also using Stylecraft for my Harlequin blanket, but it is the DK. I've not had any problems with it.
    I think it is normal to take on several projects, but it takes real determination to concentrate on one thing and try and get it finished for a particular deadline!
    All the best to your Nana, hope she recovers quickly! Ashbourne is a lovely place! <3
    Have a good weekend!
    Ingrid xx

    1. Thanks Ingrid :) I shall have to try the DK, your Harlequin blanket is a wonder!! I've stopped crocheting and started slowing, its a bit tedious! you're right Ashbourne is gorgeous :) xx

  12. Your poor Nana, not easy getting older but she sure sounds determined. I know I would want to get back to that view. I think you should start creating for next Christmas right now, think how ahead you will be.

    1. thanks Meredith! Hehe you could be on to something there.... I shall have to draw a list on Boxing Day or somethign!!

  13. Hi Helen, Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I too leave everything till the last minute, mostly because I'm just not into the Christmassy feel of things until we hit December. Once I have a deadline in front of me I seem to come up with all sorts of creative ideas ... and some of them actually get finished! I hope you get a good number of your makes finished in time. Best wishes to your Nana for a quick recovery, and hopefully she'll be back home in no time. At least the care home will have a cozier feel to it than the hospital. Enjoy your evening! Wendy x

    1. Hi Wendy! Thanks for popping in :) I know exactly what you mean, it's such a shame December isn't longer isn't it! Thanks for the best wishes, have a lovely weekend :) x

  14. Hi Helen, I am ALWAYS over ambitious! There are so many things to do at the moment that I somehow feel a little paralysed. But then again.... It's Christmas time and everything should run at a slower pace, shouldn't it? I told myself not to panic, if I can't finish the things I want to make, I will show my progress and I am sure that my lovely family will be very happy to receive a present in January, as well. Best wishes to your Grandma, Viola

    1. Hi Viola great to see you back!! I'm sure your family will always be happy to receive one of your makes :) Hope things slow down a bit for you :)


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