Tuesday, 25 November 2014

This and That

Once more I've become remiss with my blog writing, things have gone a bit manic again so I haven't been keeping up with anyone else either much - I am going to try and have a marathon catch up session later with a glass of wine!

November has gone so quickly it's unbelievable. I've attempted to create some sort of twig construction to hang snowflakes and the like off, it has proven impossible to get a decent photo of but looks better in real life I promise! The bird is from Bunny Mummy's pattern which is wonderful - I'm going to make some for friends and family, time permitting.

Then I've started making some face cloths for Xmas presents, I'm going to find some nice handmade soap to go with them for female relatives. We went for a lovely weekend walk at Rutland Water and revisited the wonderful church in the water at Normanton. This week also saw the return of the panettone. This is a tradition in our house now, when we bought our house almost exactly 3 years ago we had some redecorating to do and lived in the rented house for a month while we did it. We bought one of Lidl's panettone to have on hand at the new house in case we got peckish, a really huge one, and by the time we'd finished the panettone had gone. A slice of panettone reminds me of steaming horrid orange wallpaper off the walls, tearing up carpet and painting like maniacs. All worth it in the end of course.

I'm incredibly honoured to have been nominated for the Liebster Blog award by two of my favourite blogs, Geraldine from Wool and Cats and Anne and Michelle from Crochet Between Worlds, thank you very much :) I took part in this back in May, and would like to invite any of my lovely readers to join in - there are so many amazing blogs around!

1. What is the name of your blog? And what does the name mean?

My blog is 'woollybluebells', to be honest I want to change it at some point but not sure how! When I was trying to start a blog I was trying all sorts of combinations but they'd already gone! Very frustrated I tried this and noone had it... Woolly because I thought it would mostly be craft related, bluebells because they are my most favourite flower. They remind me of Spring, my birthday and walking in the woods with my parents as a child.

2. How many blogs do you follow?

According to Blogloving over 300, but a lot are inactive now! Realistically more likely to be around 40

3. Do you have a creative soul? 

I think so, although I can't draw and am quite clumsy! I love colours and day-dreaming and making things, and dreaming about making things of course

4. At what age did you learn to crochet or knit?

I learnt to knit at about 7 but forgot soon after, I want to try and pick it up again someday, crochet at 26, a late starter!

5. What are your future projects?

Some wedding gifts I feel... One of my bridesmaids is marrying in July and I would love to make her a wedding blanket, or cross stitch sampler.

6. Why do you blog?

I started off following other peoples' blogs and just enjoyed it so much I wanted to join in! I'm always amazed that people read my ramblings and am very touched by the comments I get. I also love looking back at what I've been up to - it's a wonderful way to document life. I've always tried writing diaries but never succeeded long term.

7. What will your Christmas look like this year?

A bit hectic! C and I are spending it with my parents or brother, either at their house or ours, but it also needs to include a visit to my grandmother who is 3 hours away. The logistics are still being worked out. Needless to say this is going to be a very special Christmas as it's our first married Christmas, we have only spent one Christmas together before and that was in Australia so we are looking forward to an English one together :) 

8. What are your plans for 2015?

Finish PhD. I can't see beyond that at the moment!!

9. If you could travel anywhere, which 3 places would you visit and why? 

New York - I have always wanted to go and experience the wonderful city
New Zealand - I want to see the wonderful landscapes
Canada - Again, the landscapes :)

10.What made you smile today?

C was really cute and grumpy this morning. Smiling at him didn't better his mood so I had to hide it ;)

11. What do you do on a rainy Sunday?

Curl up on the sofa with C/cats/crochet/wine/tea all of the above and watch a film

Wishing you all a lovely last week of November,

Until next time

Helen x


  1. What a lovely little bird!
    And it was nice reading your answers and getting to 'know' you better - about that, I'm a late starter crocheter too, I started last year when I was 25! : )

  2. Congratulations Helen, a lovely post.
    I relate well to your answers. Enjoy a 'me time' evening, they are the best.
    Best wishes

  3. Life gets in the way sometimes with regards to blogging! Handmade face cloths with some lovely soap sound like a great gift for Christmas presents. Enjoy your catch up evening.

  4. I totally agree on question 9! Three places I really need to visit (again in Canadas case)!

    Take care

  5. Hi Helen! Nice to read your answers, I will have to do mine soon (bit busy with my studies at the moment).
    Good luck with finishing your PhD.
    I love your cute little bird!!!
    Have a good week!
    Ingrid xx

  6. A lovely post, how nice to read a little about yourself and your blog. Curling up on the sofa is the very best thing at this time of year isn't it. CJ xx

  7. Nice to know more about you !!! Glad you enjoyed this award we sent to you !!!! Have a great week !

  8. Lovely to read more about you! I really like your little bird, he is very cute indeed! xx

  9. Again - my rainy sunday plans are exactly like yours. ;-)
    I love your little birdy! It's so cute! :)

  10. Loved catching up with you my friend.

  11. hi helen,
    nice to know more from you!!! the bird and the snowflakes are so cute.I love it.
    have a nice weekend my friend,
    love and hugs regina

  12. Good evening Helen, your crochet bird is just so sweet and what a nice idea to gather some twigs for decoration in your home. I enjoyed reading your answers too, I started blogging because my sister suggested I give it a try and I love all the interaction with fellow bloggers. How exciting to be celebrating your first English Christmas as Mr and Mrs. I can't think too far forward into 2015 yet either, I feel that I am not looking into the future very much at all right now. I have plans for January to spend time with my family and my Christmas will be short and sweet this year xx

  13. Ahh your first married Christmas - so lovely, and so special! I feel about chocolate dime sweets as you do about pannatone - reminds me of painting as we bought a bag in IKEA whilst picking up stuff for our home and I pretty much did nothing but eat them whilst I painted! No proper food, just dime bars! X

  14. So nice to read a little more about you and what makes you tick. Your first married Christmas, how wonderful! x


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