Tuesday, 30 December 2014

A Quick Hello and Resolutions

A belated Merry Christmas to all :) I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas time, I'm looking forward to a bloggy catchup to see what you've all been up to! We've had a lovely Christmas, peaceful but lovely. We had some time with my family and then went to visit Chris's family and have enjoyed our time catching up and hanging out with various family members, Christmas always has been and always will be about family for me. Lots of lovely presents as well, we've been spoilt! Several were crafty related of course which I will share at some point.

I didn't manage to photograph all of my Christmas makes in the end as I was rather short on time before wrapping them up but I will aim to in the future, I was particularly pleased with the hot-water bottle cover I made my Mum (so fiddly - I've already resolved not to make another one for a while!) I did however manage to make one more thing over the holiday, a new hat for C. He wanted a thick comfy hat so I used Drops Andes (one of the best yarns I've ever used, so soft and so nice to work with) and based it on this pattern here. It's quite slouchy and he is rather pleased with it

 Waiting on our doorstep when we got back was a rather exciting parcel from deramores with yarn for new year projects

This little lot is going straight to Mum who has promised me a new jumper, she is just finishing off a cardigan at the moment for me, much to Dad's disdain (she has had a jumper on the needles intended for him for the last 15 years, she keeps interrupting it to make me stuff!)

 And this little lot is going to be my first item of clothing I crochet! Watch this space.... :) The whole lot of yarn was £26, not bad for two items of clothing!

And before I go I just wanted to write down my New Years Resolutions....

1. Read more for pleasure: I think I'm going to integrate this into blogging, but I intend to read at least two books a month, Reading relaxes me and distracts me most wonderfully when I need a break.

2. Finish things. I am great at starting projects/PhDs/clearing out and just never quite finishing them. I am going to try and have less things on the go and be more productive. First on the list is obviously my thesis, but I also need to finish that blanket for the camper I've been promising C for nearly a year now! ... and many other things

3. Stop worrying about things I can't change. C came up with this one. I am a terrible worrier, I hate it about myself yet just seem to end up doing it. 2015 will see a less worried me! (I hope)

4. Stop Biting My Nails. This has been on the list for the last 20 years, but hey maybe this time?!

5. Enjoy the present. Linked very much to the last one...

6. Be more tidy. I seem to exist in perpetual clutter. I want to have a good clear out, sort out and tidy up so home is more of a relaxing place to be. I think it will help me work more effectively at home, as well as keep on top of the housework!

Are you making New Years Resolutions this year? Wishing everyone a very happy 2015, full of happiness, peace and good health.

Until next time,



  1. No New Year's resolutions for me this year (I am still working on last year's). I am glad you had a lovely Christmas and I look forward to seeing your crafty projects next year. x

  2. Just the usual ones about exercising and healthy eating! Plus....I want to use up all my 4 ply yarn as it seems to be breeding.

    1. Hehe I seem to have a similar problem with dk... good luck with the stashbusting!

  3. No resolutions for next year because it's not possible to make all of these things .... I thinks that it's puttind the standrards too high most of the time so I don't have resolutions ... ! You have some nice yarn for new projects !! tha't great !! So I'm already waiting to see your makes with it !! For now I wish you the best for the New Year .... Hugs

    1. Thanks Geraldine, a very happy new year to you as well, looking forward to seeing your crafty and other adventures :) x

  4. The hat is ace - well done! I have no luck with crocheted items that are to be worn as they seem to stretch ridiculously (must be my tension) ...hence why I knit too....so I am full of admiration for success in this area! I'm going to have a little think about New Year's Resolutions and post them on my blog later today! Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas and I love that your mum keeps interrupting your Dad's long awaited jumper to make you things :-) Haha! Xx

    1. Hehe I know what you mean about tension, my crochet is a bit hit and miss but my knitting is atrocious! I really want to overcome that though because there are so many wonderful things to knit! xx

  5. dear helen,
    the hat is wonderful!!! the new wool is adream!!
    I wish you a happy new year!!!!
    love and hugs regina

    1. very happy new year to you too regina! xx

  6. I hope that your New Year will be wonderful! Best wishes for all good things in 2015 to you and yours! xx

  7. Good resolutions! I can relate to a lot of them... Fingers crossed 2015 will be a wonderful, wonderful year!

    Take care

    1. P.S. Can you share which pattern you used for the beanie? I would like to make one for my dad who was recently diagnosed with cancer and will loose all his hair due to chemo!

    2. Hope your Dad is doing ok, sending you new year wishes :)

  8. I think I just need to be a bit calmer, life works out if you let it. I resist all the time so I need to let go......
    Hugs and Happy New Year,

    1. I'm exactly the same, it's so hard sometimes but really going to try this time! happy new year :) xx

  9. Oh me too I really need to stop biting my nails! Happy new year to you x

    1. hehe glad I'm not the only one! Happy new year :) x

  10. Good luck with your resolutions. I don't make any but rather set myself fun challenges, much easier to stick to. Happy new year and all the very best for 2015.

    1. Thanks Jo, looking forward to reading about your progress with the challenges! All the best for the new year

  11. Hello Helen, good luck with your resolutions for 2015, they sound achievable for you. I suppose it's all about being focused, something I want to incorporate into my life too. I hate that I still work full time, I would dearly love to have more time for other things. I need to look at my monthly budget and see if reducing my hours is an option or not. I would like to spend more time with my grandson, he's growing so fast and I feel I'm missing out a lot. If I can't reduce my hours this year then I need to use my spare time more productively.
    Happy New Year my friend xx

    1. I hope you can reduce your hours, fingers crossed :) I definitely need more focus, that should have been number one on the list :) A very happy new year and all the best xx

  12. Happy New Year Helen, it will be quite a big year for you.
    Good luck with your resolutions, I have a few myself but they are not easy are they!.
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks Helen, good luck with yours too! Happy New Year :) xx

  13. Nail biter here too. Why do we do it ? I do occasionally stop and they grow a bit, but as soon as one breaks I'm nibbling again.
    I've just had a look on deramores website - oh my goodness - their sale is amazing! Definitely going to spend some Christmas money later!!! All excited now!!!

    1. I don't know I'm doing it half the time, it's so annoying!! I've stopped a number of times but never kept it up :S Glad you're enjoying the deramores sale!! I was most amazed when I saw what they had to offer :) xx

  14. So excited in fact that I clicked Publish too soon. I wanted to say Thankyou for the yarn pics and the tip off of yarn price reduction :) Jillxo


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