Thursday, 13 March 2014

Catching Up

Catching up... so many connotations and so apt for this week! Catching up with friends, catching up with work, catching up with the pile of dirty laundry in my wash basket... and catching up with my blog of course!

It has been rather a manic week, a few days back at my parents, a few days at uni, and off to the in-laws-to-be for the weekend. Needless to say little time has been spent crafting, although I did manage to finish the scarf for C:

He's pleased with it, although did remark that it would have been better put to use a couple of months ago! I love the way the colours have come through, I've had some requests from other people so am going to get the other colour variations and start mass-making next year's Christmas presents ;)

The weather has been so beautiful this week, it's finally feeling like Spring! I've been enjoying the beautiful pictures on everyone's blogs, but sadly haven't managed to take any myself as I seem to be in a permanent state of chaos, dashing around. The best I could do is a clothes shot... I dug out my 'Spring' skirts and wore my favourite yesterday:

Slightly crinkled, but it always cheers me up :) Fingers crossed the weather stays with us for the weekend...

I managed to get a bit more cross stitch done, the baby is due at the end of April so I realised I needed to get a move on! The horse now has a mane and tail (almost!) but there's still a way to go. I'm going to try and sneak it into my weekend bag and snatch some stitching time if possible.

I also decided it was high time I did something with the mountains of crocheted hearts and flowers around the house. I'm not quite sure of the best way to join the flowers up, so I chained a row of double crochet, I think they're ok but might get some green ribbon and try that as well.

Well I think that's all for this week... Ooh apart from what I got up to Friday night, which was seeing Miranda Hart's stand up show in Nottingham.

The arena was sold out! I know that Miranda tends to be a bit like marmite, but I love her! She was really really good and everyone laughed a lot!

And on that happy memory off I go to pack for the weekend and 'catch up' with my washing.

Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. Love the colours in that scarf and your cross stitch is oh so neat:) It must be crochet flowers season as I have done some too!

    1. Thanks Jenny! I think it must be the Spring feeling :) hooray for sun!

  2. Your scarf and flower garland look very pretty!! I would have loved to have seen Miranda, I am sure that she is lots of fun. I know someone who taught her at school and apparently in real life she is just the way that she is on screen. xx

    1. Thanks Amy - she was wonderful! really funny and also really warm - she interacted so well with the audience. Would definitely go again! xx


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