Sunday, 4 December 2016

Autumnal Daze

Autumn has literally passed in a daze this year, I blinked and I felt that I missed it. No blogging time, just a lot of busyness and rush. I've actually been having some health issues, which have made me really value health for the first time in my life - I'm looking forward to being back to normal again and will never take health for granted again.

I've also got (another) new job, in the same office as before but a step up, which is wonderful but tying up the old job has been part of the busyness! Looking forward to settling into my new role, and of course Christmas :)

I thought I'd share some snap shots from the last months, there have been some lovely times amongst the rush of course. Autumn is one of my favourite times of year so I've just been trying to savour the colours and atmosphere at snatched moments.

In October C went to China for 2 weeks and during that time I had a few days with my Dad, and then my Mum came up for a few days. I love spending time with my parents so it was amazing to have some quality time with each of them, with a National Trust theme. Dad and I went to Sudbury Hall and had a lovely time exploring the house and grounds. Then Mum and I met my Aunt at Keddleston Hall for an explore and walk, which was really great.

And the other week C and I explored Beacon Hill, a local park, on a lovely wintery cold day. A perfect weekend activity


  1. I;m sorry to hear you've been suffering health problems. I hope it's nearly resolved for you. How lovely you got to spend some lovely days out x

    1. Thanks Jo - getting there now at last :) A happy 2017 to you - I hope you are well :) x

  2. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I understand how you feel - I was ill over the Easter holidays and took weeks to feel normal and myself again. I'm certainly more aware and take care of myself better now. I hope you have a better, healthier time this winter and have more time to savour and enjoy the Christmas season. Love all the photos - they're all great days out. x

    1. Thank you Marion - I'm glad you are also back to normal and better :) x

  3. Helen, hope you are feeling much better, I am so sorry you have had health issues. wishing you the best of luck in your new position.

  4. So sorry to hear you have not been well, I do hope you are much better now and are looking forward to better things to come. Congrats on the new job too!

  5. Glad you are feeling better, autumn was glorious this year, I found myself slowing down just to enjoy the wonderful colours. Hx

  6. Hi Helen, I'm sorry to find out that you have had health issues that caused you to reassess and "really value health for the first time". May you be feeling 'back to normal' soon and find your joys in life enhanced after adversity.

    Thank you for still taking time to take us on some beautiful tours. There is a suburb in Sydney (Australia) called "Beacon Hill" and I lived there as a very small child. We had views of the pacific ocean. The suburb was named after a trigometric beacon was placed there in 1881. The summit has views over much of eastern Sydney.

    Take care, Helen. Enjoy 2017. :-)

    1. Hi Jodie, thanks for stopping by and your well wishes :) I bet the Australian Beacon Hill is much warmer! Sounds like a beautiful place to live :) Happy 2017 to you!


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