Monday, 29 June 2015

Checking In: June

Making : Focussing on a lovely cowl at the moment, see this post :)
Cooking : Not so much at the moment, when I do it seems to be pasta.
Drinking : A lot of tea
Reading: 'Interrogating Ellie' by Julian Gray
Wanting: My final lot of feedback on my thesis so I can move on with my life
Looking: For an excuse not to do the washing. 
Deciding: What to have for dinner, C is away so free choice (maybe not pasta for once ;))
Wishing: I knew what happens next so I can plan fun stuff.
Enjoying: BBQs in the evening.
Waiting: For responses to job applications, no luck so far but hopefully something will fall into place.
Loving: My parents' garden (all photos above courtesy of their lovely plants!)
Considering: A drastic hair cut... 
Watching: Frozen. I'm a self-confessed 28 year old sucker for Disney films.
Needing: A bit more structure.
Smelling: Roses
Wearing: Summer dresses, at last!
Noticing: Just how many summer dresses I actually own
Knowing: It's going to be a hot week!
Thinking: About how to squeeze some sort of a break away into the coming weeks. 
Feeling: Peaceful
Admiring: This cushion from the lovely blog 'She loves to crochet'.
Sorting: A pile of handbags I seem to have accumulated.
Snacking: Yoghurt and honey mmmmm.
Coveting: New yarn. Must. Use. Stash. First.
Wishing: The cat would find somewhere else to sit. It's too hot for black furry cats on your lap.
Hearing: *cough* "LET IT GOOOO" etc. courtesy of Frozen.


  1. I love your list. I hope you get your thesis feedback soon, in the meantime enjoy those nice long summer days :)

    1. Thank you :) I still can't believe we've had more than one day of sun in a row!!

  2. I wish I could say I am was wearing a summer dress! Scotland is not at its best just now. Keeping my fingers crossed for your job applications, I have only just come out of nearly two year long search for a 'proper' job (one that actually requires the training I have) and I know the waiting is not always easy. x

    1. Thanks Christina! Huge congratulations on the job :) Searching is so tedious but will hopefully have a happy ending... I hope Scotland catches up with the rest of the UK soon! x

  3. Beautiful flowers! I've been wearing Summer clothes for quite some time now, and since I don't really love hot weather I'm almost tired of them already... xD Enjoy yours! xx

    1. Thanks Valentina :) You should live in England, we don't have very much of summer ;) shall we swap?! xx

  4. A thesis! What is it about if you don't mind me asking?

    Cool list, glad you feel peaceful and good luck with your job applications. :)

    1. Thank you! The thesis is on the representation of the German military in East and West German 1950s films and literature :)

  5. All very busy!!! I hope that all goes well thesis wise and job application wise, and of course with everything else! We are big pasta eaters too! xx

    1. Thanks Amy :) Pasta is a lifesaver! xx

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! sadly I haven't inherited the parents' green fingers ;)

  7. Summer has arrived here as well and I plan to spend the entire weekend either at my parent's pool or at the lake. Life is easier when it's hot outside! ;)
    Good luck with your applications!

    1. Oooh a pool or lake is the one thing that would make me happier! Maybe I should move to Austria :) thanks very much!

  8. Summer here in Germany as well. It is so hot!

    Good luck with the applications - I am sure you will find the right one!

    Take care
    Crochet Between Worlds

    1. Thanks Anne, fingers crossed :) Hope it's not too hot!

  9. I enjoy reading your lists very much. It's very hot here too, so I'm not feeling a lot like cooking at the moment. Salads are good, though. The flower photos are lovely and a crocheted cushion sounds perfect for summer. I love summer dresses too, but have mainly winter ones. Think I need to remedy that sometime. Hope you find time to have a good break :)
    Cathy x

    1. Thanks Cathy :) I think a summer dress shopping spree is a must ;) x

  10. Just catching up after a hectic week and finally getting to wear summer dresses here in Scotland. Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my cushion, sadly I'm not getting to use it much this weekend. Good luck with your applications, I hope you find the perfect post soon. Hx


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