Friday, 14 August 2015

The Kindness of Others

Recently I was lucky enough to be selected as the winner of a giveaway hosted by the lovely Viola of Colour Crochet Love. Viola was giving away the book 'Haekelblumen' (Crochet Flowers) by Nicky Epstein, and I was delighted to be selected. (I highly recommend you all head straight to Viola's blog, which is a wonderful read).

When the book arrived however Viola had extremely generously included some delightful goodies which quite simply made my day.

These two gorgeous flowers, one a brooch, a lovely card, and a selection of adorable buttons as well as brooch pins! I've been hankering after some pins for ages - Viola must be psychic ;) I'm going to turn the pink flower into a brooch as well I think, the flowers are my colours and will go very well with my wardrobe :) I'm very much looking forward to using the buttons in some projects as well - aren't they cute?!

The book itself is wonderful with some stunning projects. It's available in English as well I believe. While I speak German I've never ventured into crochet terminology so I'm really excited about getting going and a whole new range of publications being opened up to me. There are charts as well, but they tend to confuse me. Here are just a few of the lovely flowers:

I am particularly excited about the top picture! Finally I can try crocheting bluebells :D

So THANK YOU Viola, for all the lovely things, your kindness has cheered me up a lot this week.

The other act of kindness that has meant a lot to me this week has been my Dad proof-reading my thesis. Not only has he made the 1.5 hour journey to my house twice these week to collect and deliver the thesis he has also supplied me with homemade jam and brought me his laptop to use when mine decided now would be an excellent time to stop working. Three weeks before submission. Don't you just love technology?! So my Dad has in short been a lifesaver. It means so much to me that he has read the monster for me: it's reassuring to know that there aren't any blaring spelling/grammar errors. THANK YOU Dad.


  1. hi to your blog...lovely gifts you received...the kindness and generosity of others is always deeply appreciated...the very best on your thesis and your future career...take care...sally

    1. Hi Sally, thanks for dropping by and your kind words :) I think it's so important to acknowledge and remember kindness, particularly when there is so much negativity in the world. All the best

  2. That's a lovely giveaway lucky you & a lovely kind dad too xx

    1. I've been very spoiled on all fronts recently, very lucky :) xx

  3. Yay for the kindness of others!!!! Your Dad is obviously a lovely man! So glad that you are getting near to the end of your thesis, I can only imagine how much work it has been for you, but it will all be worth it! Beautiful flowers and they will both be lovely brooches! xx

    1. Hehe thanks Amy :) He really is. And yes the end is finally in sight, it's been a long time coming!! xx

  4. Lucky you Helen, that looks a super book. And some lovely little extra gifts too! Good idea to get your dad proof read your thesis (I supervise PhD students and getting someone a little bit distant to read it is a great idea)
    Caz xx.

    1. Thanks Caz :) He's been very good, and seemed to enjoy it too which was nice! xx

  5. Hi Helen, happy for you that you received such a beautiful book and delightful 'extras'.
    Those brooch pins will definitely come in useful when making your flower brooches!
    I also love reading Viola's blog. :)
    Thank goodness that you finished your thesis and that your dad helped out!!
    I bet it must be a weight off your shoulders.
    Have a lovely Sunday!!!
    Ingrid xx

    1. Hi Ingrid thanks for popping by :) It's been a massive weight, I'm submitting it on the 3rd Sept so will be free for a bit then! xx

  6. Lucky you! I am looking forward to see all the flowers you are going to make from the book!

    You dad sounds indeed godsend! You have to post pictures of your thesis reading for submission!

    Take care
    Crochet Between Worlds

    1. Hi Anne they will definitely be making an appearance hopefully soon! Haha the picture of the finished thesis will be framed I think, and of course appear here too ;) Hope that leg is recovering :)

  7. How lovely to receive such a thoughtful present. I have this book in English, and it is a delight. The little crocheted flowers are beautifully done - a brooch is an excellent idea. It sounds like your dad's been a lifesaver too :)
    Cathy x

    1. ooh I'm glad you like it too :) that's a good omen for my future ventures! He really has, he's wonderful :) x

  8. What a lovely little package! You luck girl! I see a lot of flowery crochet in your future! Have a wonderful week!

    1. THanks Bronwyn, I think there will be a very flowery few weeks ahead ;)

  9. Lucky, lucky you, that book looks fab and the buttons and flowers are so pretty. Your dad sounds lovely, what a help. Hx

    1. Thanks Helen, I've been very lucky on all fronts :) x

  10. Lucky you to win such a lovely gift and to have such a great dad. Good luck with the final edits. Almost there!

  11. What a wonderful prize! Good luck with getting your thesis in :)


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