Sunday, 1 March 2015

A New Month

March is finally here and we are that one step closer to spring :) After a bit of a miserable February here is a new month, a new beginning, the next step. I've now completed two months' worth of baby hexagons, I've added a few more colours I'm less sure about but as it's a 'de-stash' project I've raided my yarn supplies and pulled out a few more shades. We'll see how it progresses

Our kitchen table has become a bit of a mini-green house. I'm sat at it today editing some more of my monstrous thesis. I saw a single baby daffodil from these bulbs, which I'd abandoned in the garden and thought I'd bring them in to see if I can encourage them to grow some more. A single joyful yellow head pointing towards forthcoming spring hooray! The photo below is of our lime 'tree'. It's a relatively new addition, but having a bit of a growth spurt so we are hoping for some limes this year.

Oh how I'd like to be a cat. This is Izzy, having a cat nap on my arm - not the most productive place for her to sleep when I'm trying to type but she doesn't mind.

Have a lovely week everyone


  1. Hi Helen! Lovely photos!!! Love your growing hexagons, such pretty colours! Your cat looks so comfortable! I'm intrigued by your lime tree, did you grow or buy it? i go through lots of limes, maybe I should try and grow a plant from them??? Our balcony is looking bare...

    Good luck with your thesis!!!
    Happy March!
    Ingrid xx

    1. Hi Ingrid thanks for stopping in :) I bought the lime tree as a pressie for hubbie from this website - I'd highly recommend them, I bought it in October and it came with fruit on it, it's not very high maintenance and seems happy with English levels of sunshine ;) It doesn't seem to have a high fruit yield, but I hope as it matures there will be more :) the fruit is delicious too... xx

  2. Ooh, I love daffodils! And cats, too, a lot, and Izzy looks incredibly cute! : )
    I think the hexies blanket is turning out amazing, can't wait to see it once it's finished! xx

    1. Thanks Valentina! I'm trying really hard to stick to just one a day but it's proving hard, I'm getting impatient ;) xx

  3. I hope that March will be a bit easier for your Helen and that you keep enjoying your various projects! xx

  4. The blanket is really coming along - well done! Bet it's a bit of a welcome break from the thesis! Love the lime tree, my MIL has a lovely lemon tree and apparently the lemons taste so different to shop bought ones (which I guess they would!). You'll have to get us updated ....lemons and limes = gin or vodka in this house .... :-) xx

    1. Lil I LOVE your thinking, last year hubbie snapped up the limes for salsa to go with our mexican nights, but with this year's yield hopefully one will be allowed for some gin.... ,mmmmm gin :) xx

  5. Your cat is such a sweetheart. It may not be the best place to sleep but it is heartwarming!

    Oh! Lemon tree! You will have to keep us updated how it grows :-) I saw a tree like this in the shop some time ago and thought about getting one. Is it a lot of maintance work?

    The new blanket looks nice already! Saw pics on instagram last night and fell in love! Hope big shall it become?

    Take care
    Anne (Crochet Between Worlds)

    1. It's really not much maintenance, just a bit of water here and there, but the yield isn't enormous - I hope as it gets older it will give us more limes :) I'm trying to be really good and just do a hexie a day and see how big 365 hexies are at the end of the year, but I'm tempted to do a few more here and there :) Hope all's well Anne xx

  6. What a lovely blog, I know cats sleep in the most unusual and unhelpful places!, enjoy your weekx

    1. Thanks Michelle - they really do! And never the places we so carefully try and create for them!! xx

  7. Izzy looks like a sweet cat. An unusual choice for a place to sleep but very sweet.
    I like your mini-hexies crochet. I think the colours go well together.
    Have a lovely week and month ahead! X

    1. Thanks Marion, she's a people's cat - she likes to be as close as she can even if it's not terribly convenient! Have a lovely weekend :) X

  8. I love the style of your blog. Big photos, big words - I must be getting old! It was really fun to read and see your crochet. Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo hehe :) Have a lovely weekend x

  9. Really cute cat ! please give him cuddles for me !!!! and your hexis are beautiful !! Have a lovely day

    1. Thanks Geraldine, cuddles given :) Hope you had a lovely time away

  10. Lovely colours in your hexies Helen :) Can't wait to see what it turns into!

  11. Thanks Jill! It's all a mystery as it will depend on how big it is!! xx


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