Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Checking In: September

I've always enjoyed reading people's posts when they do a 'taking stock' or 'tallying up', like meetmeatmikes and kerry my heart, and I've decided to follow the idea and do a 'checking in' post every month, a brief snapshot of a moment of life :) I've taken Pip's lovely template and picked and mixed a bit...

Making: Plans for November: a weekend trip to York hopefully :)

Drinking: Apfelschorle, apple juice and carbonated water 

Reading: 'A Critical History of German Film' by Stephen Brockmannn - no reading for pleasure at the moment sadly...

Wanting: to make some apple cake, but I'm out of apples

Deciding: what kind of jobs I want to start applying for

Wishing: that C's back gets better soon, he's really hurt it

Enjoying: the autumny feeling that's creeping in

Wondering: how the Scottish referendum will go on Thursday, I hope they don't leave us but understand why some want to!

Loving: being back at home with C

Watching: Breaking Bad - I'm a bit late to the fold, but it's really gripping!

Hoping: for another sunny relaxing weekend

Marvelling: at how pretty spiders webs are when they're covered in dew drops

Needing: a breakthrough for the chapter I'm writing at the moment, serious case of writer's block... 

Wearing: my lovely honeymoon cowl

Noticing: how many beautiful autumn projects there are in blogland at the moment

Thinking: about lots of lovely homemade C--------- gifts I want to make (more details in another post)

Sorting: out my yarn, I seem to have accumulated rather a lot this summer! No idea how...

Buying: nothing at the moment! I am being very good momentarily

Bookmarking: this beautiful scarf from The Little Room of Rachell.

Opening: a lot of  'wowcher' emails... must resist temptation!

Snacking: on snackajacks at the moment, they're my go to boredom eat!

Wishing: I could just take a break from everything and do nothing for a bit.

Helping: C do every day tasks as he can't really bend any more!


  1. Hello Helen, what a lovely idea for a once a month post. You have some lovely thoughts going on just now. I was later than most watching Breaking Bad. My children kept saying I should watch it for ages, once I started it was a really gripping and addictive viewing experience.
    Well done on resisting temptation with your Wowcher emails, I am the same but with yarn and craft emails haha!
    Yes the dew on spider webs, I can relate to that, it does look so pretty.
    A great post, have a great day x

    1. Hi Linda, thanks for popping in :) Yes I am completely addicted to Breaking Bad now, powering through at a quick speed! Have a lovely weekend :) xx

  2. I loved to read your post! Actually, I might steal the idea and do one myself soonish... :)

    Apple cake... Yum! I want to make one too but am without apples as well. Perhaps I will get some at the farmer's market this week! I reckon it's time for apple strudel again too!

    Take care

    1. Hehe you should!! Ooooh Apfelstrudel yum yum that's my absolute favourite :) I haven't got round to trying to make it yet, but one day ;)

  3. I love reading these! I might do one of these soon. Breaking Bad...awesome! I love spiderwebs covered in dew. Always lets me know that Fall is coming. I hope you have a wonderful week and another lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks Robbie! Hehe you should! :) I am a Breaking Bad addict now it didn't take long :S Have a great weekend!

  4. Lovely post!
    Have a nice evening!

  5. Hello Helen! Thanks for your comments on my blog, how kind! :) This here is a good idea for a post!!!
    Ah, Breaking Bad... once you start, you cannot stop! I binge watched it, I must admit!! (And if you equally love/hate Jesse saying Yo! all the time, there is a funny clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLSnZfblqao, which is a compilation of all the yos! So funny!)
    I looked at your posts about the cowl and Berlin, both lovely! How come you went to Berlin? Seems like you managed to find some good wool shops! It's been a few years since I went to Berlin for a music festival and I only found one shop near the Alexanderplatz then! Apfelschorle and Plum cake are very German, heheh! :) Glad you enjoy them. (Do you speak/understand any German?) What are you writing about?
    Here I also noticed lots and lots of spiders with their webs. However, since this week we are back to seriously hot summer weather, 27 degrees and counting, and unfortunately that means lots of mosquitos, yuck!!! I got bitten lots yesterday, whilst doing my crochet, not nice!
    Sorry to hear about C and his bad back, hope he gets better soon!
    I started making some notes about crochet ideas, you are right, there are so many great ideas out there, very inspiring! My life is too short to make them all. This probably also applies to the amount of yarn I got, I must start using it up instead of buying more. This is a lot harder than I thought!
    Enjoy your week!!!
    Ingrid xx

    1. Hi Ingrid thanks for popping in :) Haha thanks for the Jesse link, v funny :D I've been lucky enough to have a few research trips in Berlin for my PhD, so a lot of time in archives and libraries, which I love :) I do understand German, although it's a bit rusty nowadays ;) I'm writing about 1950s war literature and film from east and west, it's really interesting :) Sorry to hear about the mosquito bites - hope they're not too itchy!! Hehe I know what you mean about the yarn, it's just so tempting!! Looking forward to seeing all of your lovely projects :) Have a great weekend! xx

  6. Hi Helen, lovely blog..enjoyed a pleasant evening of last reading your posts. I too did cross stitch for many years, a lovely craft-pick up and put down affair which fits nicely into busy lives but crochet took over that space a couple of years ago.
    Looking forward to following your blog and progress with your PHD-hope the writers block has passed now on the chapter you are currently writing.
    Have a lovely weekend

    1. Hi Helen thanks for dropping by :) Crochet's definitely overtaking cross stitch with me as well, but I try and keep popping back occasionally, there's so many other things I want to try as well! Have a lovely weekend as well :)

  7. Hi Helen, I love this sum up of your month and what a great idea! Thanks so much for visiting today and for the sweet comment on the scarf and Handwarmers I made. Enjoy your day and weekend.

  8. Hi Helen, really enjoyed reading your post! it's like taking a peek into your life at the moment.. have a wonderful day!

    1. Hi Anitha! thanks for dropping in - I loved your coasters!! Have a great weekend :)

  9. Breaking Bad is awesome! You'll really get addicted to it!

    1. I'm there..... Couldn't go to bed til late last night because I wanted to 'watch just one more' about 4 times!!!

  10. Helen, I too am enjoying the autumny feeling creeping in and wanting to make an apple cake! We're definitely heading into baking weather soon.

    1. Hi Jean, nothing quite says Autumn like apple cake does it?! Can't wait for lots of yummy smells in the kitchen :)


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