Thursday, 24 April 2014

Gaining Control?

I love this picture of Bella. She just lay down on the sofa one day, as lazy fat cats do, and happened to be on top of the remote control. Being too lazy to move (oh the indignity!) she shuffled over and appeared to gain control... She lost it to C when he decided he wanted to watch television of course...

As I mentioned in my last post, I have finally gained some control over all of the little bitty things I've been crocheting for our wedding in May (one month today, eeek!)

I finally stuck a load of hearts on a piece of cardboard (inspired by this pattern here.)
I'm so pleased with the results, I think it's really effective. One down, eight to go! I'm going to use the wreaths as table decoration, with glass jars containing tea lights and flowers dotted around them (and one in the middle I expect). I now have a mound of hearts waiting to be made up so that's this weekend's task. 
And once the wedding is over, I'll gift them as part of thank you presents, adding a ribbon so they can be hung on the wall.

This weekend my wonderful friend and Bridesmaid is coming to stay and we are  making up the place cards for tables, adding the little flowers. We'll also be attacking a load of jam jars with ribbon, lace and twine. A crafty weekend indeed :) To be accompanied with tea, cake and lots of chatting. 

My other little project over Easter was finishing the swatch of half double crochet I began using cheap Wilkos yarn. I made a rectangle, folded it upwards and then crocheted the sides together, making a very functional make-up purse...

I ruined the creativity by sewing the button on wonky, so will have to fix that at some point. Nevertheless I can tell it will get much use!


  1. We had a black cat just like yours. She even used to change channels with the remote while we were watching tv. Our present tabby cat tries to type on my computer keyboard at the same time as me. I have to watch her carefully especially when I am logging in to online banking etc.

    1. Wow she sounds more clever than Bella! She does like to lay on computer keyboards, and crocheting can be really painful as she swipes at the wool with her claws and more often than not gets me!

  2. Aww the wreath turned out so cute! Cute idea to give them away after the wedding. I love personal, handmade gifts the best.

    1. Thanks Robbie :) I hope that people will like them as a souvenir of the day! (need to make sure I remember to keep one for me!)

  3. Hi there, just catching up a little! Lovely to see all of your crafty projects and wedding preparations! I hope that it is all going really well for you and that you are looking forward to the big day! Hope you have a good weekend in the meantime. xx

    1. Thanks Amy :) All finally coming together now so much more relaxed thanks, hope all's well with you! xx


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