Thursday, 16 June 2016

Checking In: June '16

Making : A cushion, a baby blanket, another blanket... possibly too many WIPs on the go!

Cooking : Chilli with roasted butternut squash (I make a mean veggie chilli, perfected over the years living with C)

Drinking : Orange squash

Reading: Ian McEwan - First Love, Last Rites (a book club choice)

Wanting: Some sun. It has rained since Sunday.

Looking: Forward to a camper adventure we have planned for July!

Deciding: Which of the football to watch, I pick and choose (as far as allowed by C!)

Enjoying: Our new house. Well it's not so new any more, but loving the fact that we are finally settled and feeling homely

Waiting: For the camper adventure!

Wondering:Whether I can finish any of the crafting WIPs I have on the go

Loving: Lots of family time we've enjoyed recently

Pondering: Whether to try Slimming World or not. I have a few stubborn pounds I want to shift but I feel like I should be able to do it unaided with a bit of effort.

Buying: Coloured chinos and expensive walking boots. Not to be worn together!

Watching: Game of Thrones (when the football isn't on) I'm completely and utterly hooked, we've swept through two seasons way too quickly and are on an enforced break.

Hoping: That when above mentioned camper adventure takes place there is no rain and lots of sun. A girl can dream!

Cringing: Brexit. 

Needing: To try and ignore my sweet tooth.

Wearing: A waterproof. Constantly it feels.

Noticing: The roses in my garden are *nearly* blooming

Sorting: Out the house. An ongoing task I feel

Getting: Itchy feet

Bookmarking: This glasses case pattern - I desperately need one!

Coveting: More coloured chinos.

Giggling: At this dog

Feeling: Pretty OK

Hearing: Football related noises

Worrying: About trying to reduce the amount I worry, a vicious circle!

Slicing: Bran loaf... cake for those in need of cake whilst attempting to diet 

Embracing: Life, I hope


  1. A busy time! Enjoy your crochet and travelling adventures!

  2. I like your monthly posts, a lovey insight xx

  3. I know what you mean about those football related noises! England are playing this evening and I'm hiding upstairs! xx

  4. A girl can never have too many WIPs, I'm sure you'll finish one soon. Hx


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