Definitely feeling the Friday feeling today! It's so hard to concentrate, the weathers yukky and all I want to do is snuggle up by the fire with a mug of tea and a well trusted film. We've just booked our honeymoon to Austria so am dying to watch The Sound of Music again, and envisage myself running down mountains ala Julie Andrews (albeit with less grace and far less musical talent!) If I'm productive this morning I may treat myself this afternoon.....
Original image found randomly (good ole Google) here
I've finally dug out some cross stitch again, I'm becoming an Aunty (in-law) in April for the first time and wanted to make something for the new arrival. The parents-to-be have found out that it's a girl, and I've decided to stitch an old nursery scene from a past edition of Cross Stitcher, adding the name and date of birth somewhere. It's going to be quite fiddly I think, as there are several very similar shades for detailing but I'm looking forward to it.
It's difficult to make it out so far, but I love the way cross stitch projects really take shape as you add more shades and detailing. It's always so rewarding!
After my previous Knitting fail I've decided that I will be crocheting a scarf for C, much to his amusement. I found this beautiful wool and am just using treble stitches, to practice, but the colours are coming through wonderfully. I'm enjoying it so much I'm neglecting my wedding crochet so will try and get back on that over the weekend.
I had a lovely film night in PJs and dressing gown last night (hence the attire) and just crocheted and stitched. Bliss. Things are getting hectic over the next few weeks so I'm enjoying moments of calm now where I can.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,
Helen x
I'm glad that you are enjoying your crochet! xx